Hi, my name is Lazaro Perez and I am the Managing Partner of Gulf Coast Analytics. I hold a Bachelor’s from East Carolina University (ECU) in Management Information Systems and Master's of Business Administration also from ECU. Additionally, I hold a Business Analytics Graduate Certificate recognized by The SAS Institute. I also hold a number of certifications in the field of data analysis. Please see my LinkedIn Page to learn more!

I am fascinated with story telling using data and I would love to tell you the story your data has to tell.

We currently consult businesses of all sizes in the field of data analysis and analytics. Specifically, I've helped businesses create data visualizations and analytics to empower decision makers to make educated decisions in planning, forecasting, hiring and much, much more. Gulf Coast Analytics can also help with your hiring needs providing short term and long term contractor expertise within the IT field.

I have worked with more than 25 companies which gives me the ability to translate complex questions into understandable insights (see portfolio section to view analytic projects I've completed in different industries).

I can help your business, too. Please see the contact section below to set up a free initial consultation.
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